Statements by: Dr. Leslie Valle-Montoya | Edited by: Roberta Kline, MD
Years ago, I learned
about biofeedback and electromagnetic field therapy.
The market was robust with choices, but something called ONDAMED® won me over- largely
due to the functional health strategy by design, indicating a heavy focus on a
whole-body care. It combined the diagnostic abilities of biofeedback science to
"communicate with the body" to monitor conditions and imbalances. Then
the intuitive energy healing aspect comes in the form of its PEMF element
(pulsed electromagnetic field) to 're-balance' the body or support
the body to repair itself painlessly and non-invasively. Treating patients showed many positive results
including tissue stimulation for pain relief in soft tissue injuries and wound

The concepts behind
this combined science made sense to me because anyone who understands energy
healing would recognize the body's meridians and blood flow and the effects of
supporting (regenerative) cellular activity.
From my early training on the technology, ONDAMED® focuses on
"underlying conditions rather than symptoms"- a principle that I have
always subscribed to as a healer.
Next, patients would
tell me about having difficulty with reducing their stress. I was introduced to
BINAURAL BEATS therapy, an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure- tones, separated in frequency by only a few
Hertz, one in each ear - the brain is
left with a unique third tone. Many claim that binaural beats can induce a
meditative state more quickly and is said to: manage/reduce anxiety, improve
focus and concentration, support positive moods and even help with pain
In addition, I discovered
advantages to things like RED & BLUE LIGHT therapy as
far as helping somebody not only meditate and 'train the brain' in noninvasive
ways. Light has its own frequency just
like our tissues have their own frequency. To penetrate light into the
meridians in the ear, you are delivering the therapeutic frequency to our body
to amplify and help certain tissues to
restore balance. Not only is light
therapeutic or soothing, but it is known to actually heal tissues with its
unique frequency and applications.
Upon review of
various models and designs, I narrowed my choice to the device called "BrainTap".
It works great as guided meditation and it actually feels a little like EMDR
when they're using it.
MULTI-MODALITY RESEARCH: ONDAMED® Biofeedback/PEMF & the Doppler Ultrasound8/5/2022- An exploratory analytical project is co-directed by Dr. Bard (NYC) and Dr. Silvia Binder (Germany) at the Bard Diagnostic Imaging research facility. Combining the diagnostic prowess of the ultrasound has become Dr. Bard's preferred choice for imaging because of its (safe) non-radiation and real-time properties- and added to this is its ability to perform near and within other electronic regenerative technologies (like the ONDAMED® Biofeedback and PEMF) without any interference. This three-day scientific review is a testament of strategic vision between health innovators aspiring to forge and confirm new answers while fostering the non-invasive medical technology movement. Where both the ONDAMED® device and the Ultrasound are two of the latest in non-surgical medical marvels, combining the unique diagnostic abilities of biofeedback and the imaging performance of ultrasound (through quantitative biometrics) reading the effects of the PEMF therapeutic functions of the ONDAMED® offers a new way to support, analyze and record evidence of regenerative medicine. ( See full article) |
Interview with Dr. Leslie Valle-Montoya (contd.)
These days, I often
combine modalities including these two devices for many patients because they
work so well together. A significant exam that I conduct with
patients is heart rate variability, where I evaluate
the autonomic nervous system to measure stress, sleep patterns and brain
wavelengths. This helps identify any need to improve brain entrainment. The binaural beats of BrainTap will introduce (say) 200Hz
in one ear and 207Hz in the other- 200 cancels and you are left with 7Hz. And that is theta
data of brain wavelength that takes you into a deep meditated state in three
a lot of people don't know how to meditate or just relax, in three minutes, BrainTap will do it for you. It's passive
treatment and all you have to do is relax and
listen. I see a lot of benefit in combining BrainTap with in-patient sessions, for example with IV hydration therapy. Most people end up falling asleep because
they don't have that regulation entrainment in their brain and this technology
will do it for you. I think there's been studies where an hour of binaural beats will
replace three hours of sleep.
find these innovations to offer so many advantages to our patient community. As
one example, I have patients with addiction disorders- for things like smoking
per se. You have to train the brain to deal with the addiction. You can't just
remove the source and think that it's going to work. So not only does frequency
medicine with ONDAMED® and water treatment help to regulate, the binaural beats
work in conjunction to "train" the brain to open up and let go of
that addiction.
Another common
advantage to this energy therapy is managing ANXIETY within the younger
generation. I've seen a lot of teenagers in my office recently for just anxiety
purposes, which I think has been amplified during this recent era. To introduce BrainTap while on an infrared bed, or sitting in ONDAMED®
session has opened up that possibility that they can be able to manage their anxiety,
which is sometimes not easy to do with a counselor or a psychologist. The use of BrainTap has been extremely
beneficial for the young population. There
are numerous ways to incorporate different methods of biohacking your mind and
body into your daily routine.
Developing my program was based on combining
my medical training with exploring what's out there. I also maintain a constant ear for what's
current by listening to my patients. I
am a big proponent of technical research, and part of being in this information
age includes SHARING what's available. Most often, I also get educated by my
patients on their findings because there's a lot of modalities and therapies
out there that were not part of my conventional training. I find that today's patient (including those
in critical situations) are armed with an open mind to explore and try new and
innovative solutions, alongside the access to unlimited resources thanks to the
web. The idea of collaborating is not
limited to doctor-to-doctor. Once I
found enough answers that made sense to me, I learned the different ways of
detoxing and amplifying your immune system.
I introduce this entire health program to my patients as part of an
educational effort.

After medical school, Dr. Valle
focused on managing chronic disease starting with its links to poor nutrition
and then introducing them into the world of energy frequencies. She expanded her training in biological
medicine with Dr. Thomas Rau at the Swiss Biological Medicine Academy
(Switzerland) where she combined this with the nutritional aspect. Dr. Valle
also recognized the need to implement lifestyle
medicine into a well-rounded wellness program.
This helped her design comprehensive programs including those specific
for cancer patients- mostly based on the emotional and nutritional components
of cancer. She explores and includes
non-invasive modalities such as: frequency therapies (including biofeedback),
PEMF, proper detoxification, nutritional guidance and binaural beats as needed.
A special NYCRA-NEWS interview with Dr. Leslie Valle-Montoya on the ONDAMED®/BrainTap Connection
Written by: Graciella Davi & Carmen Regallo-Dewitt (NYCRA-NEWS editorial team)
Supporting the public access to the vast arena of pain/injury relief and therapy solutions, the clinical members of the NY Cancer Resource Alliance (NYCRA) freely shares professional insights and resources for better health and wellness. Oftentimes, our members spotlight experts and developers who share remarkable out-of-the-box innovations, protocols and strategies that bring modern concepts that support the news understanding about non-invasive and safer health alternatives. This includes the latest innovations in diagnostic and therapeutic solutions.
Through a recent virtual health technology conference about biofeedback innovations at the Women's Diagnostic Network, we learned about the work of Dr. Leslie Valle-Montoya of Santa Barbara, CA. "Dr. Leslie" (as she is often called) incorporates her medical training and other extensive knowledge in functional and integrative medicine. She works with patients challenged by cancer and chronic disorders through integrating Bioenergetic medicine, nutrition and Biological medicine. She offers patients a set of options between conventional and alternative medicine to heal and rejuvenate- pursuing a mind-body-spirit paradigm where individuals can reach optimum health and a resilient outcome.

The Science of Energy Healing & the Biofield
Everything is energy. Quantum physics has demonstrated that everything exists as a vibrational energy. Some forms of energy have a frequency low enough to make the object solid and therefore visible and physically tangible, such as concrete, trees, mountains, and the human body. Others, such as sound, light, heat and gravity are invisible – but they are no less real. The Biofield is a relatively new term developed in 1992 to describe the concept of energy in a more unified way, integrating knowledge gained from traditional practices with that of modern science. Three of the main scientific principles underlying our current understanding of the Biofield energy are thermodynamics, physics and quantum physics.
(See complete feature article)
Personalized Nutrition: Far Beyond B12
The research is pretty unequivocal: eating a plant-based, whole food diet is overall one of the healthiest strategies. But there are many ways to implement this into one’s diet. For some people, this looks like a Mediterranean Diet. Paleo is another common choice. Others opt for a vegetarian or even vegan diet. And many people will thrive on their chosen version. But did you know your genes play a large role in what foods best support your health, and if you don’t choose accordingly the best intentions can actually harm you? Fortunately, there is an easy way to solve this problem: know your genes. While personalizing nutrition to each person’s genes is a powerful way to optimally support each person’s biochemistry and health, some diets can pose particular challenges.
(See complete article)
"GETTING MY LIFE BACK FROM CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME" 2/15/2022- Mrs. Suzanne Wheeler of Minneapolis, Minnesota is celebrated as IPHA NEWS' Researcher of the Month. After years of suffering a life-altering disorder that currently continues to challenge the scientific community of its root causes, Mrs. Wheeler explored “outside the conventional box” of opioid prescriptions, uncovering alternative solutions that got her back on her feet and joining life again. Invoking CHANGE against all odds by diligently searching for what’s beyond the convenient takes courage and conviction. It is this level of academic strength and strategic leadership that comprises the Alternative Health and Wellness community. (
see full feature on Mrs. Wheeler's PEMF review)
ROBERTA KLINE, MD (Educational Dir. /Women's Diagnostic Group)
Dr. Kline is a board-certified ObGyn physician, Integrative Personalized Medicine expert, consultant, author, and educator whose mission is to change how we approach health and deliver healthcare. She helped to create the Integrative & Functional Medicine program for a family practice residency, has consulted with Sodexo to implement the first personalized nutrition menu for healthcare facilities, and serves as Education Director for several organizations including the Women’s Diagnostic Health Network, Mommies on a Mission. Learn more at
MARY NIELSEN (Founder/ Faculty Director - Spectrum Advanced Aesthetics)
Mary established and manages a certified aesthetics institution in Portland Oregon supporting the academic leadership and technical ability to grow a med spa profitably. Through collaborative relationships with evolving aesthetics business, her programs (Fearless Beauties and Cascade Aesthetic Alliance) functions to help the esthetician, whether newly licensed or a veteran with education and networking. She is also a published author of best selling textbooks in aesthetic wellness including ADVANCED AESETHETICS and FEARLESS BEAUTIES. Mary is dedicated to bringing change to the esthetics/beauty industry through comprehensive education and empowerment through knowledge.
Disclaimer: The information (including, but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material) contained in this article is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or scientific claims. Furthermore, any/all contributors (both medical and non-medical) featured in this article are presenting only ANECDOTAL findings pertaining to the effects and performance of the products/technologies being reviewed - and are not offering clinical data or medical recommendations in any way. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read on this page, article, blog or website.
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