Sunday, November 20, 2022

Concussion Management + Jesi Stracham Health Feat.

10/16/2022- In a recent collaborative study of sports-related brain injuries, Dr. Alex Gometz (NYC) Founder Concussion Management of New York recently joined Dr. Robert Bard to conduct an investigative study about new imaging protocols recording pathologies of brain trauma.  During this study, Dr. Gometz shared his clinical insights on concussion management with The Integrative Pain Healers Alliance (IPHA).

Meet Dr. Alex Gometz: Review on Athletic & Pediatric Concussion
Dr. Gometz' practice is focused on the diagnostics and management of concussion in the athletic population and the pediatric community.  During an exclusive interview, he reflected on the current guidelines covering patient analysis and the heavy pressure on professional athletes to return to play. "Obviously the league and fans want players to play. (I feel that) they need to have clearer guidelines based on better facts for the sake of the well-being of the player. I find that the current protocols may not be adequate, given the new research that shows recovery time may take longer. Studies show that protocols should be more sensitive to each player’s individual vulnerabilities. This is new research that should be taken into consideration and used to adapt the current protocols".

As an avid student of therapeutic advancements, Dr. Gometz is committed to staying on top of the latest clinical innovations and treatment modalities.  On the care of MSK issues, regenerative therapies like PRP & EXOSOMES as well as non-invasive energy treatments like SHOCKWAVE, PEMF (Electromagnetic Field therapy), COLD LASER among others are well established in the market.  But due to the fast paced progress of this industry, Dr. Gometz finds that not all practitioners are able to keep up with the latest innovations - especially when it comes to technologies that offer new ground in the resolution of concussion symptoms. 

"It is imperative to constantly monitor progress of any concussion sufferer and it should be guided by current, objective testing and quantitative data", states Dr. Gometz.  "You cannot rely purely only on symptoms to determine if the patient is getting better.  Overall, people with a history of concussions, are more vulnerable to greater damage during future concussions. They tend to be more sensitive to lower amounts of pressure, causing similar symptoms". 

In the care of concussion cases, Dr. Gometz highlights one caveat;  A player with a history of a single concussion that has fully recovered (as indicated by symptoms as well as quantitative data from specific tests) can be considered to be on equal footing with players with NO history of concussion.  This comparison is based on the level of vulnerability to future injuries. Studies show that full recovery from a single concussion is effective at helping players bounce back to fairly equal health as they were prior. Players with a history of concussion without full recovery do not enjoy this benefit and a future concussion can happen with less amount of force, making them more vulnerable. 

Observing the common pattern in sports teams, athletes seem to return to the game sooner than non-pros. That may be due to the pressure from the organization and the player’s own drive to continue playing.  This premature return contributes to setting premature standards that are clearly inadequate and potentially unrealistic.  Standards need to include specific quantitative measures so that each player can demonstrate objective improvement. Schools should make sure their protocols are safe and reviewed by a medical board with proper steps and safeguards instead of copying other institutions’ protocols, following professional accountability.

Pre-existing mental conditions make the diagnosis and treatment more delicate.  The underlying condition can challenge the client and healthcare provider to meticulously investigate the efficacy of each component of testing and treatment choices, timing, and tolerance. Certain preexisting mental health conditions can be characterized by similar dysfunctions caused by brain injury. On the side of treatment, some of those same conditions and understanding response to treatment can vary, fostering inaccurate expectations when it comes to recovery time. Another issue is the possibility of medications side effects that can also be similar to symptoms of a concussion, adding complication to the prognosis or discharge. Lastly, the availability of treatment choices can be greatly limited as some can be contraindicated- perhaps due to an abundance of precautions affecting clinical decision making. 

“I find there to be a vast difference between adult cases and pediatrics as far as the complexity of the developing brain (pediatric).  In this stage of development, the brain is undergoing the generation of new pathways that can be permanently disturbed”, says Dr. Gometz.  “Overall, there appears to be a lack of professionals treating pediatrics in the field who are knowledgeable enough to discern the types the of treatment and management protocols. We advise parents to ‘never guess or think that your child is okay judging by current report of symptoms.’ A concussion is only considered mild or severe after the evaluation of objective and quantitative testing.  The amount of force applied to the brain may cause disturbance to the neural mass in different levels and patterns that vary by individual.   Experienced professionals try to use a wider set of analyses to detect the more silent and overlooked cases.” 
Currently, there is growing concern that head injury evaluations and the follow-up care provided to patients often rely on outdated research. They may not be comprehensive enough, therefore lacking depth and focus on the most impactful priorities. More attention needs to be done to assist healthcare providers to acquire the tools and skills that can return the injured brain faster to relative normal function. This includes using multi-systems stimulation following clear guidelines.

JESI STRACHAM is a trauma survivor turned EMPOWERMENT COACH on a mission to help individuals see the opportunity in their obstacles. Jesi's injuries from a motorcycle accident (1/2015) included TBI/Traumatic Brain Injury and a spinal cord injury. Instead of accepting disability as her reality, Jesi's spirit to overcome her struggles made her one of the country's top advocates for wellness, empowerment, and improved lifestyle for all traumatic injury victims and wheelchair-bound individuals. 

By: Jesi Stracham

I have a fitness community for wheelchair users called Wheel With Me Fitness and we talk a lot about nutrition. From my research and coursework on nutrition, I learned that we can educate ourselves about anything - especially thanks to the internet. We could find just about any resource on just about anything. For any athlete (per se) or any who suffers or multiple head traumas, should definitely pay attention to their nutrition, hydration, and sleep. This includes what they feed their brain, both physically and mentally.

I learned more about reducing inflammation in your body I was experiencing a lot of shoulder pain. This is when I found OMEGA-3’s and the power they have in reducing inflammation in our body. I use 1st Phorm’s Full-Mega. I use four a day. Full Mega not only improves my shoulder pain, but also my brain health as a whole. I've noticed a massive difference between when I do and don’t use my Omega-3 supplement and how well my brain funcitons. I notice toward the end of the day it becomes harder to form sentences and complete thoughts. I think that's really important that we stay mindful on the way both internal and external circumstances have on the way our body functions. We have to be mindful of how our brain acts at the end of the day- and I’ve noticed in my own body this has a lot to do with what we're eating. In relation to my brain my Omega-3 supplements are a big go to for me, but as I’ve researched I also have added Avocado, Blueberries, Broccoli, and more water more frequently.  I think a lot of people don't take the time to really pay attention to their body and what their body's telling them.

Sleep is important to the way your brain recovers. Sleep hygiene is really important to the quality of your sleep. Start by having a cool, dark room with no lights and no technology. It's important to have a nighttime routine so your body can start producing melatonin. I've noticed that if I don't stick to my nighttime routine, I typically don’t get quality sleep. Prepping for sleep is crucial; limiting screen time and phone chats is a good start. Residual effects from these things tend to linger in your brain- and are not constructive. 

I also have a morning routine. I use a sunrise alarm, which I love because it wakes me up peacefully with the gradual light mimicking the sun, and soft sounds. When I get up, I read my devotion, I read the Stoic, I journal, I read 10 pages of a non-fiction book. And then I start my day, I go to the gym regularly. And when I don't do these things, I notice a big difference in my overall wellbeing as far as how I attack the day and how I approach others. This is from Jim Quick- who says that your brain is a muscle and you have to continue to work it. By reading every day or doing puzzles, you're working that muscle and continuing to develop it just like you would your body (read Limitless by Jim Quick). 

*For more information or additional links to the wisdom of JESI STRACHAM, please visit: 

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Friday, November 18, 2022

MedTech Review: Red Light Therapy for TBI

Within the past decade, ads for Red Light Therapy (RLT) devices have exponentially appeared in the health, wellness and commercial markets- drawing significant attention to their claims and challenging their efficacy.  As with all technologies, many variables are to be considered as far as concluding on their proposed health benefits. Published reports from clinical (valid) studies detailing the utility of RLT in human health.  Encouraging reviews indicate that there is a growing body of evidence for the use of RLT in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and neurodegenerative processes, including Stroke and Parkinson’s disease. 

HealthTech Report (Theralight 360) Part 1

To assess this innovation, we must first understand the scientific basics of RLT and the metabolic effects which have been documented and the ranges of red light therapy.  On the market, there are many names thrown around representing similar protocols, all carrying varied effects.

’Infrared’ refers to a type of light that is below the spectrum of visible light. The naked eye cannot see this type of light. Light is measured in wavelengths, and to further define infrared, there are near infrared (NIR) and far infrared (FIR) wavelengths. FIR is what is typically found in many of the devices sold to the general public like infrared blankets and saunas. (Although, saunas, combine heat with light so the effects of FIR are not comparable.) FIR offers some mild effects, but it doesn’t penetrate the body as much as NIR. As a result, most clinical research published to date is on visible red/NIR because these have been shown to be more effective. 

Visible red light, just as the name states, is visible to the naked eye, unlike infrared. When studies on light therapy are published, the wavelength of the light is always defined, and that is a very important factor in choosing what type of device to use. Even with NIR, the exact wavelengths of the light need to be taken into consideration. NIR (wavelength 800-900 nm) and red (wavelength 600 nm) have been shown to penetrate through scalp and skull and have the potential to improve the subnormal, cellular activity of compromised brain tissue (1).

Wireless frequency controls (tablet)
Upon review (both historically and through firsthand observation) the function of the various red light waves have shown physiological effects and benefits on the body, and more specifically the brain. Well documented effects of red/NIR light include: anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, antioxidant, and neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, which has led to numerous studies focused on the areas of cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and various other brain and nervous system disorders.

In light of the current limited therapeutic options for TBI, the utility of red light therapy in clinical practice has offered many benefits. Functional magnetic resonance imaging has shown modulation of activation in intrinsic brain networks likely to be damaged in TBI (specifically, the default mode network and salience network). Furthermore, improvement in executive function, working memory, and sleep (chronic effects of TBI), have also been documented. RLT can help the brain repair itself by stimulating neurogenesis, upregulating BDNF synthesis, and encouraging synaptogenesis. (2) 

To explore how treatment with RLT for TBI works in a clinical setting, a small preliminary study of eleven adult chronic TBI patients who suffered from persistent cognitive dysfunction were treated for 18 outpatient sessions of RLT (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, for 6 weeks) starting at 10 months to 8 years post-event, some with a history of multiple concussions. Subjectively, participants reported improved sleep, and fewer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, if present. Participants and family reported better ability to perform social, interpersonal, and occupational functions. Objective neuropsychological testing at 1 week, and 1 and 2 months after the 18th treatment showed significant linear trend improvement over time in the area of executive function. (3) Certainly, encouraging results seen here and reflective of what clinicians who use RLT observe in private practice.

"I had severe sciatica pain making it painful to walk. it was caused by a herniated disc and spinal stenosis... After about a month of treatment (with the Theralight) a few days a week, my nerve pain was GONE! I could walk with absolutely no more pain. I can now participate in all of the activities I enjoyed prior to my nerve pain.  I walk as much as I can- daily. Now, I can practice yoga daily.  The Theralight along with Dr. Stagg's treatment has completely eliminated all my issues and get my life back!"
- Kathy

DR. JENNIFER STAGG is the medical director of Whole Health Wellness Center (CT). She is also the author of The Bitter Prescription and Unzip Your Genes and is routinely featured as an expert guest in the media on the topic of nutrigenomics and integrative medicine. Her areas of clinical expertise include mental health, weight loss resistance and nutrition, digestive health, metabolic and endocrine disorders, and nutrigenomics. (learn more about Dr. Stagg @ her professional website)

1. Dos Santos JGRP, Paiva WS, Teixeira MJ. Transcranial light-emitting diode therapy for neuropsychological improvement after traumatic brain injury: a new perspective for diffuse axonal lesion management. Med Devices (Auckl). 2018 Apr 26;11:139-146.
2. Hamblin MR. Photobiomodulation for traumatic brain injury and stroke. J Neurosci Res. 2018 Apr;96(4):731-743. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24190. Epub 2017 Nov 13. Erratum in: J Neurosci Res. 2019 Mar;97(3):373.
3. Naeser MA, Zafonte R, Krengel MH, Martin PI, Frazier J, Hamblin MR, Knight JA, Meehan WP 3rd, Baker EH. Significant improvements in cognitive performance post-transcranial, red/near-infrared light-emitting diode treatments in chronic, mild traumatic brain injury: open-protocol study. J Neurotrauma. 2014 Jun 1;31(11):1008-17Naturopathic Physician, Author, Speaker, Educator, Consultant

Photobiomodulation Research Accepted for Peer Reviewed Publications
Studies Reveal Positive Outcomes Using Aspen Lasers for Treatment of Challenging Conditions

March 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Aspen Laser, LLC, an emerging global leader in the medical device industry, with a focus on photomedicine, announced that research involving Aspen Laser, a Class IV laser therapy device, has been peer reviewed, accepted, and recently published in three medical journals: Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery Journal (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.), OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine Journal (LIDSEN Publishing Inc.), and The Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences
Justin Vorwaller, MBA, COO of Aspen Laser stated, "We are pleased that recent research utilizing Aspen Laser technology is being published, providing new validation that is promoting the understanding and application of Photobiomodulation (PBM) further. This will also provide healthcare professionals a scientifically-based reason to integrate PBM into their practices, improving the quality of their patient's lives, including those where other treatments have failed, but are now proven in these studies."  (See complete press release 3/2022)

"Personalized medicine is an emerging practice of medicine that uses an individual's genetic profile to guide decisions made in regard to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Knowledge of a patient's genetic profile can help doctors select the proper medication or therapy and administer it using the proper dose or regimen. Personalized medicine is being advanced through data from the Human Genome Project." -NIH    

Originally published: March 2022

Written by: Dr. Bobbi Kline
One of the biggest controversies in screening for inherited diseases with genetic testing is the lack of effective tools to help people feel empowered. People found to carry one of these genetic mutations that cause disease often felt like it was a death sentence. Even armed with the latest medications or surgeries, often they felt helpless, just waiting for the day when they got the bad news. 

Thankfully that conversation is changing with genomics and Personalized Medicine. When you understand the biology and biochemistry of our bodies – and the genes that run them, it is very clear that there is much more that can be done to alter the perceived fated outcome. But the scientific studies have lagged behind – until now.

A recent study published in Nature (1) is providing support for the polygenic model of genomics. This model is an advanced application of Personalized Medicine utilizing genomics - the newer branch of genetics. Rather than the conventional single gene- single outcome model, this newer approach takes into account multiple genes involved in multiple biochemical pathways, and how small changes in these genes called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs for short) each contribute to disease over time. [see: genetics vs genomics] It’s much more complicated, and as a result much harder to study. It’s also much harder to address with a single medication or the limited approach of conventional medicine.

But now that is changing. In this research study, they looked at 3 diseases with a strong genetic link: hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, familial hypercholesterolemia, and Lynch syndrome.  They evaluated more than 80,000 individuals of primarily European ancestry to examine the interaction between SNPs in multiple genes in other systems (polygenic) and single gene (monogenic) mutations for these specific inherited diseases. 

The study showed that there was a wide range of risk as to whether someone who carried one of these mutations actually developed the disease. The probability of disease by the age of 75 ranged from 17% to 78% for coronary artery disease; 13% to 76% for breast cancer; and 11% to 80% for colon cancer (Lynch syndrome). And the explanation was the influence of this polygenic model on the effect of the genetic mutation.

We can potentially modify the outcome of inherited diseases by understanding the multiple biochemical pathways and mechanisms involved, along with the genes that impact them. The key is in going beyond the conventional fated model of one gene-one disease, and integrating the more advanced polygenic model. 

This may make a difference as to what surveillance and intervention strategies are chosen for an individual. Perhaps equally or even more importantly, it opens up the opportunity to use a person’s genomic blueprint to be able to lower a person’s risk. By leveraging the function of these genes and their biological systems through targeted diet, lifestyle, supplement and even perhaps medication strategies, we can potentially alter the course of what was once thought to be an inevitable outcome.

Now we have the start of what promised to completely change how we approach genetic diseases, and what those of us practicing Personalized Medicine have been seeing for years in our practices - certain genetic mutations may not leave us as helpless as we thought. While there is still much scientific study that needs to be done, we have the tools and the power right now to make a difference.

References: Fahed, A.C., Wang, M., Homburger, J.R. et al. Polygenic background modifies penetrance of monogenic variants for tier 1 genomic conditions. Nat Commun 11, 3635 (2020).

There's no one-size-fits-all solution and a lot of what we're trying to do is individualize our treatments to the patient.  One of the most important things I try to assess when I'm meeting a patient is to ask “what are your goals?  What are your expectations?  How can we meet those?”  A lot of it is education to let them know what's realistic and what's not.  A lot of my treatment strategies involve therapeutic exercise, engaging in physical therapy and there are different modalities even within that.  There's manual therapy, there are different electrical therapies, there are ultrasound therapies to name a few.  Other tools include complementary and alternative medicine and mind-body treatment which I'm a big proponent of because when you have physical issues, they can exacerbate the psychological side and vice-versa.  Tools like acupuncture can be helpful for some people, but again, there isn't as I one-size-fits-all.  We try to follow evidence based medicine protocols and an integrative approach.  

(See Dr. Kirschner's complete feature article on the 2022 LIFE EXTENSION REVIEW at Health & healing 101)

How to Choose the RIGHT DOCTOR

Today, we exercise our freedom of choice to seek complete confidence in our decisions. Seeking what's right for you is just that! I support all patients to be well-informed with research and asking a lot of questions that pertain to their health and issues.  Do not be swayed by pressure just because this doctor takes your insurance or the popularity of that procedure. The almighty Google is still on your side to answer any question about anything and anyone, where making an intelligent choice must be strategic and thought through.

From the moment your physician calls you about a debilitating illness,  that inner voice may express curiosity about what other treatment options another doctor would prescribe?  You may want to get another perspective on your current diagnosis or get another set of professional eyes to review your reports.  All these concerns are quite natural and common - especially when it comes to pursuing such a major commitment as cancer care.  We all want to gather all the information we can from trusted sources to build an intelligent direction that gives us complete confidence and peace of mind.  

To seek a SECOND OPINION is a patient's right as a cautious and educated consumer. This measure is also a smart financial coverage encouraged by insurance companies geared to prevent much higher claims from costly or 'wrongful' procedures.  Whether you're searching for a primary care physician or a specialist, shopping for any doctor can be quite a challenge. Ingredients for finding a professional that you can trust with your life rely heaviest on their reputation, expertise and qualifications found under smart research methods.  

REFERRALS: Though medical professionals are now participating in the commercial world of marketing (such as broadcast and podcast commercials, youtube videos, social media promotion and public relations campaigns), the largest and most popular method of deciding on a doctor is still word of mouth. At least starting with a recommendation from a friend, colleague or family member, getting positive feedback about a practitioner through others' experience is a great place to begin.

(See complete article)


The current standard in screening for breast cancer is mammography. However, this imaging tool  may miss some breast tumors, especially in women with dense breasts. Published data suggests that sonography can play an important role in detecting tumors that mammography misses. In fact, over 94% of cancers seen only on ultrasound were invasive tumors with average size of 10 mm, and in the studies where staging was detailed, 91% were node negative, meaning it had not spread and complete cure was possible due to early detection. 

Power Doppler Sonography adds increased accuracy to breast imaging evaluation over ordinary ultrasound because it shows higher blood flow speeds, often a sign of cancerous activity in the breast. Studies have shown that suspicious blood flow identified by pre-surgery Power Doppler scans corresponds very well with the size, location and aggression of actual tumors that are then surgically removed. Thus, Power Doppler brings an important clinical dimension to breast cancer detection. 3D sonography clearly shows tumor margins and 3D Doppler affords an index of cancer aggression and metastatic potential.  

Breast Sonograms and Ultrasound offers the following advantages:

• Highest accuracy in dense (lumpy, cystic) breasts

• Non-invasive-no radiation exposure

• Cost effective

• Can distinguish cysts (fluid-filled masses) from cancerous tumors without needle sampling

• Ease of image guidance for breast biopsy

Women who should consider ultrasound scanning of the breast include those at risk of breast cancer because of personal or family history and the presence of fibrocystic (dense) breast tissue which increases cancer risk by as much as 400%. (See complete program- LINK)

WHY CANCER COMES BACK  (Source: NIH- National Cancer Institute)
 When cancer comes back after treatment, doctors call it a recurrence-  or recurrent cancer. Finding out that cancer has come back can cause feelings of shock, anger, sadness, and fear. But you have something now that you didn’t have before—experience. You’ve lived through cancer already and you know what to expect. Also, remember that treatments may have improved since you were first diagnosed. New drugs or methods may help with your treatment or in managing side effects. In some cases, improved treatments have helped turn cancer into a chronic disease that people can manage for many years.

Recurrent cancer starts with cancer cells that the first treatment didn’t fully remove or destroy. This doesn’t mean that the treatment you received was wrong. It just means that a small number of cancer cells survived the treatment and were too small to show up in follow-up tests. Over time, these cells grew into tumors or cancer that your doctor can now detect.


Disclaimer: The information (including, but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material) contained in this article is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or scientific claims. Furthermore, any/all contributors (both medical and non-medical) featured in this article are presenting only ANECDOTAL findings pertaining to the effects and performance of the products/technologies being reviewed - and are not offering clinical data or medical recommendations in any way. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read on this page, article, blog or website. None of the information provided should be interpreted to be or is meant to be medical advice, suggestions, or counseling.

Thursday, November 17, 2022


November 2022 SKIN ISSUE


11/1 - A remarkable new medical-grade digital healthcare device has recently entered the skin care diagnostic market, streamlining the patient triage, consultation and collaboration process.  SKLIP is a portable and affordable alternative to the conventional handheld DERMATOSCOPE, providing skin cancer triage recommendations for medical professionals and health-conscious individuals about a concerning skin lesion.  Founded by practicing dermatologists Asst. Prof. Alexander Witkowski MD, PhD and Asst. Prof. Joanna Ludzik MD, PhD. (Portland, Oregon), this innovation offers high definition digital dermoscopy imaging from a pocket-sized adaptable solution for any smart phone.  News from Jan, 2022 announces that Sklip, Inc. has received a Breakthrough Designation Device status by the USFDA for the deployment of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE as part of the next Sklip model.   As part of the company founder’s Dr. Witkowski's mission to “catch the inevitable, early,” a new partnership has developed with Prof. Giovanni Pellacani – President of the World Congress of Dermatology and Chair of the University of Sapienza Dermatology Department in Rome, Italy, who has joined the collaboration team as the lead scientific advisor for development of the hardware device and AI.   This partnership will help empower diagnosticians to better identify potential skin lesions of concern and increase referrals of pigmented skin lesions that require a biopsy.

From an exclusive interview with SKLIP Executive Paul Greer and Founder Dr. Alexander Witkowski, we received a firsthand perspective on the global need for this innovation. Originally launched and widely used in Europe, the SKLIP device is also actively being tested and used in dermatology offices and academic centers across the US.  The current model is the smartphone dermatoscope hardware - limited to scanning, uploading and forwarding of that image.  A major upgrade to the primary model will include software as a medical device (SaMD) AI mole scanning within the publicly available Sklip app and is expected to be available to professionals in 2023 pending FDA Clearance. 

The Sklip App currently allows the user to anonymously communicate dermoscopy images with a dermatologist - someone that actually reads the image for evaluation and then sends an EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION REPORT back. Artificial Intelligence changes that formula.  Dermatology providers can now use this lightweight, easily connected smartphone clip-on dermatoscope.  If there is concern about how to triage the skin lesion, Sklip AI, pending FDA Clearance, would evaluate the digital dermoscopy image based on the modified three-point checklist criteria and categorize the pigmented skin lesion into a suspicious or unremarkable category in under 7 seconds. Around the United States, Sklip can be very useful to nurse practitioners and physician assistants in dermatology and primary care, particularly in rural medical settings says Mr. Greer.

"Around the United States, SKLIP can be very useful to nurse practitioners and physician assistants in dermatology and primary care, particularly in rural medical settings", says Mr. Greer. "When identifying early signs of skin cancer based on dermoscopy features, such a device shows great promise in the triage confirmation process. In the case of MELANOMA skin cancers, they're not always painful and so people are unaware that they're there. Sometimes we call them the "ugly duckling" when they pop out, but they vary in their presentation. Sometimes the smallest melanomas can be really unassuming and that's the danger with some of them.  SKLIP was specifically designed to triage pigmented skin lesions and identify early signs of melanoma.   The combination of highly accurate triage and collaboration with a surgeon and oncologist has the promise to further improve precise high quality medical care for patients.” 

*For more information on the SKLIP technology, visit:

For all clinical offices as well as the aesthetics and MediSpa community, having an easy-to-use imaging device (like SKLIP) helps to encourage pre-care or exploratory probing. "This is often where people find unexpected or unforeseen disorders", states Mary Nielsen, aesthetics trainer and enhancement expert. "When conducting any skin checkup, we are taught to be aware of any potential growths in the ear, the neck, and some of the high risk point areas on the body of our patients. People often take the health of their skin for granted... The industry is just now growing to appreciate pre-treatment scanning like ultrasound to look for any occlusions or (what we call) land mines- this step can be a real life saving protocol. Devices like SKLIP are certainly another useful tool in the toolbox for us!"

As OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS go, first responders carry some of the highest risks in cancer exposures due to some of the most horrible toxins incendiary compounds 'on the job'. But the real danger is the negligence and lack of awareness - especially when it comes to the #2 cancer that plagues fire rescuers: skin cancers and melanoma.  Retired Firefighter (and cancer survivor) Lt. Dave Dachinger runs a national podcast called RESPONDER RESILIENCE where he and his guests from the rescue community describes the term "SALTY" as the toxic soot from every fire call.  Enough exposure to these toxins can prove to be deadly, especially with extended contact with the skin, eyes and breathing passageways. "Where EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION are our best defense, devices like SKLIP can greatly add to helping us identify skin anomalies, growths and potential time bombs- especially when time is of the essence!"  (see complete report)

A new wave of clinically dedicated evaluations of non-invasive medical innovations are published in the 2022 HEALTH TECH REPORTER series- and the work of Dr. Roberta Kline.  Her contributions to wellness advocacy include the use of her expertise as an ObGYN in her insightful review of the ELITONE device (incontinence management).  As a clinical researcher, Dr. Kline also launched the primer report of a most inspiring strategic assessment of a Brain Optimizer/Meditation device called BRAINTAP.   Her next report is on the performance of SKLIP from both a personal and professional  performance review. "Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., and the number of cases is rising dramatically. Basal cell and squamous cell cancers are the most common, but melanoma is responsible for the majority of skin cancer deaths. When detected early, skin cancer is much easier to treat and cure." (read Dr. Kline's complete SKLIP Review)

By: Dr. Robert L. Bard

According to the CDC, DERMAL ABSORPTION happens when a chemical goes through the skin and travels into the body. Many chemicals used in the workplace or even from home (ie. pesticides and organic solvents) can wreak havoc on and under the skin, damage internal organs and also the immune system if they penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. Most efforts to address chemical hazards have been focused on breathing, digesting or drinking chemicals rather than what's being absorbed through skin. Because of this, there are far fewer methods and campaigns dedicated to assessing skin exposures to toxins - UNTIL NOW.  

Heavy metal poisoning can occur from a significant exposure to certain metals in the air, water or digested materials. Heavy metals including ARSENIC, LEAD and MERCURY are recognized to cause a wide range of health issues and even death and others. Poisoning can happen if you eat or drink something tainted with heavy metals or if you breathe in contaminated dust or fumes. 

Inorganic arsenic is a confirmed carcinogen and is the most significant chemical contaminant in drinking‐water globally...and are highly toxic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people are exposed to elevated levels of inorganic arsenic through drinking contaminated water, food preparation and irrigation of food crops, industrial processes... and is used industrially in the processing of glass, pigments, textiles, paper, metal adhesives, wood preservatives, ammunition, and, to a limited extent, in pesticides, feed additives and pharmaceuticals. 

Malignant melanoma, one of the most lethal cancers, is increasing at an alarming rate. It is the leading cause of death in women aged 20-43 years. Importantly, only 1 out of 33,000 moles are malignant and sonography may prevent unnecessary biopsies. The chance of aggression is related to the tumor depth. Tumors less than 1 mm are often cured by biopsy. Disease greater in penetration is readily imaged by 3D Volumetric probes and non-palpable foci of tumor extension or lymph node (glands) involvement are visible in the scanned area. The metastatic potential is measured by the 3D Doppler study and follow up of distant tumor spread may be correlated with serial sonography. Some invasive surgical diagnostic procedures may be avoided by using high resolution imaging since scans detect tumor nests as small as 2 mm in the lymph nodes. This means that a sonogram guided needle biopsy may avoid the necessity of a massive radical operative dissection of otherwise healthy tissues. (See complete review on all Skin Cancers)

Nutrition & the Skin: Choosing the Path of a Certified Nutritionist
By: Mary Nielsen

The skin performs incredibly complex and vital functions for survival. It’s the first line of defense in protecting the body from infection, allergens, and irritants. Secretions of sebum keep the skin soft, supple, moisturized and hydrated. Touch receptors affect our ability to feel pressure, pain and pleasure. The skin’s surface absorbs whatever is applied to it and an exchange of oxygen occurs through the superficial capillaries of the circulatory system. The skin also synthesizes Vitamin D through the absorption of ultraviolet light.

Although we’ve intuitively known this, there is now mounting scientific research that the relationship between a person’s overall health and what their skin reveals is strongly connected. For the skin to function optimally, it needs the right nutrients. There are vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and more that specifically nourish the skin and regulate the release of hormones and enzymes that optimize its functions. And, all of this is tied to how our individualized DNA affects skin aging, moisture levels, UV reactions, and collagen production, for example. 

Rosacea is a baffling skin condition, characterized by skin redness, sensitivity, acne-like papules and pustules, that can progress to a condition called rhinophyma, an overgrowth of tissue on the nose or even affect the eyes. It has a genetic component and is often seen in people of Nordic descent. People who have an infectious process due to the h.pylori bacteria, which can cause stomach ulcers, are often prescribed a medication, defined as a proton pump inhibitor. This is the same medication people take for acid-reflux. Uniquely, people who have rosacea and acid-reflux who are prescribed medication for their acid-reflux notice an improvement in their rosacea symptoms. New recommendations for treating rosacea include having the client take a proton pump inhibitor, intended to reduce acid-reflux.  Once I read about this study, I was hooked! The connection between the gut and the skin is undeniable. 

There is a protein growth hormone called Brain-Derived-Neurotrophic Factor, or BDNF, that functions in the process of learning new information and memory. Some brain disorders, like depression and Alzheimer’s Disease, have been linked to low levels of BDNF. Curcumin is the active ingredient in the spice turmeric. Multiple studies have shown that supplemental curcumin increases levels of BDNF which could lead to potential in treating these disorders.[2]

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I’m a late bloomer and an early adapter. That’s why I’ve decided to add to my skillset and become a certified nutritionist. I was in my 40’s when I decided to chuck the nursing career and attend esthetics school. Despite an initial substantial income loss, following my heart and my gut is a decision I have never regretted. I was in my 50’s when I decided to jump into the deep end of the entrepreneur pool. My successful medspa transitioned into owning an esthetics school and empowering others to success in their career passions. And, now in my mid-60’s, I’ve enrolled in an online college program that will guide me to a stronger understanding of nutrition, hormones and DNA. And I plan to build that knowledge into a stronger esthetics program because I believe that an understanding of the connectedness of our skin to every other function in our body is the future of professional skincare. 

So, I am confident that getting certified in nutrition is going to create a stronger esthetics program. Skincare professionals need to have a knowledge of nutrition and I want to create a protocol for a skincare consultation that includes probing deeper into our clients’ genetics and diets and creating individualized treatment plans based on that data.  I don’t believe esthetics education is about beauty. Its about health. Nutrition plays a significant role in homeostasis in our bodies. When our bodies are out of balance, it is evident in the skin. The truth is that we are what we eat!


LESLIE VALLE MONTOYA (Integrative Functional Medicine) - 
After medical school, Dr. Montoya focused on managing chronic disease starting with its links to poor nutrition and then introducing them into the world of energy frequencies.  She expanded her training in biological medicine at the Swiss Biological Medicine Academy (Switzerland) where she combined this with the nutritional aspect. Dr. Montoya supports the enaction of lifestyle medicine as part of her comprehensive programs including those specific for cancer patients- mostly based on the emotional and nutritional components of cancer.  She explores and includes non-invasive modalities such as: frequency therapies (including biofeedback), PEMF, proper detoxification, nutritional guidance and binaural beats as needed.

MARY NIELSEN (Founder/ Faculty Director - Spectrum Advanced Aesthetics) - 
Mary established and manages a certified aesthetics institution in Portland Oregon supporting the academic leadership and technical ability to grow a med spa profitably. Through collaborative relationships with evolving aesthetics business, her programs (Fearless Beauties and Cascade Aesthetic Alliance) functions to help the esthetician, whether newly licensed or a veteran with education and networking. She is also a published author of best selling textbooks in aesthetic wellness including ADVANCED AESETHETICS and FEARLESS BEAUTIES. Mary is dedicated to bringing change to the esthetics/beauty industry through comprehensive education and empowerment through knowledge.  

ROBERT L. BARD, MD  (Diagnostic Imaging Specialist) - 
Having paved the way for the study of various cancers both clinically and academically, Dr. Robert Bard co-founded the 9/11 CancerScan program to bring additional diagnostic support to all first responders from Ground Zero. His main practice in midtown, NYC (Bard Diagnostic Imaging- uses the latest in digital Imaging technology has been also used to help guide biopsies and in many cases, even replicate much of the same reports of a clinical invasive biopsy. His most recent program is dedicated to the reporting of mental health diagnostic and innovative solutions including the use of modern neuromagnetic technologies and protocols in his MEDTECH REVIEWS program. 

BOBBI KLINE, MD (Educational Dir. /Women's Diagnostic Group) - 
Dr. Kline is a board-certified ObGyn physician, Integrative Personalized Medicine expert, consultant, author, and educator whose mission is to change how we approach health and deliver healthcare. She helped to create the Integrative & Functional Medicine program for a family practice residency, has consulted with Sodexo to implement the first personalized nutrition menu for healthcare facilities, and serves as Education Director for several organizations including the Women’s Diagnostic Health Network, Mommies on a Mission. 

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 8/6/2024- Dr. Robert Bard (Bard Diagnostic Imaging) and Cheri Ambrose (President of the MBCGA / Male Breast Cancer G...