Thursday, October 27, 2022

Ultra Low Frequency Therapy: Meet The H-WAVE

Tech Report by: Leslie Valle-Montoya, MD

For those who suffer from acute, intractable, and/or chronic pain, H-WAVE is an evidenced-based modality you can use at home, and one that has changed the lives of many.  I was first introduced to this microcurrent device as a healing modality for patients with chronic illnesses.  Most of the patients I was working with had a cancer diagnosis and were tired of taking so many different medications to help speed up their recovery to wellness.  Pain was the one symptom on top of everyone’s list.  And without proper management of pain, healing and regeneration seem impossible to achieve. 


MICROCURRENT is a technology that gently delivers electrical impulses at an extremely low frequency.  Every cell in our body is electrically active and in order to promote healing in our tissues and decrease inflammation at the same time, electrical impulses must be stimulated in order for our cells to communicate with each other and correct pathways of communication, detoxification, and ultimately pain relief.

Most who have suffered from chronic pain have been exposed or introduced to the use of electricity for pain reduction and healing, such as TENS devices.  But don’t confuse microcurrent technology with TENS – they are not the same. TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and they operate at high power to cause tetany and block the pain signal.  Blocking the pain may feel great at first but are only a temporary effect and it doesn’t address the root cause; inflammation.  

H-Wave technology is uniquely different from other electronic waveforms in that it helps facilitate a dynamic (no tetany) muscle contraction.  This muscle contraction is the primary physiologic catalyst to increase circulation and lymphatic drainage, and decrease inflammation. 

A secondary effect I saw from the use of this device is the benefit of lymphokinetic action.  What I saw in the majority of the chronic immune patients was not only symptoms of pain but symptoms of toxic overloads.  Most patients were in so much pain that exercising for the benefit of lymph movement was not at the top of their to-do lists. Luckily, with the use of H-Wave, patients experienced increased blood flow from full-cycle muscle contraction providing the transportation to purge and rinse the tissues of metabolites, chemical irritants, and other toxic-fluid pressures.  

Unlike ice, compression, or medications, this microcurrent technology has been shown to produce key elements for pain management and recovery: 

Increase blood flow

Pain management

Nitric oxide-dependent vasodilation

Activates muscles to move waste through the lymphatic system for drainage

Reducing chemo-induced or diabetic-induced neuropathy

Reduce inflammation

Increase post-op range of motion

The history of microcurrent therapy

Hippocrates ‘the father of Medicine’ takes us back to the beginning use of microcurrent treatment.  He would immerse his patients into barrels of water filled with electrical eels for medical applications including arthritis, cephalalgia, pain relief, and increased circulation. (1)

Sounds shocking, right?  I have found to use this same theory in a more sophisticated and elegant method for using the power of electricity in patients with neuropathy.  The Father of Medicine laid the groundwork for many more scientists to come. In the 1960s, Dr. Ronald Melzack and Dr. Patrick Wall, created the Gate Control Theory of pain mechanisms and management. The scientist proposed that the spinal transmission cells activate an action system in the brain that experiences and blocks pain impulses to the brain. (2).  And in the 1980s, physicians in Europe and the United States would first use microcurrent to stimulate bone repair in non-union fractures.

Other uses: Dentistry
By inhibiting the function of the Sodium Channel within the nerve and thereby creating an anesthetic/analgesic effect, H-Wave’s potent effect on pain relief gave its clearance by the FDA for use in dental anesthesia. 


One program for athletic pain and injuries is designed by Dr. Robert Bard (clinical diagnostician) aligning with with physiatrists from the realm of functional medicine to explore and refine what he aims to propose to be the next stage of evolution for imaging. “Combining the functions of real-time monitoring of ultrasound with these regenerative stimulators, we are able to see their immediate effects on the body.  With enough stress testing, we have proven that we have 100% compatibility (and no signal disruption) between the ultrasound probes while scanning the areas under electronic treatment- or vice-versa.  This is great news because our tests are of the body’s biometric response on a micro level- and these treatment devices all have some complex magnetic signals and emitters that may conflict with sound waves”, states Dr. Bard. 

On a separate interview, NFL Alumni Director of Wellness Challenge Mr. Russ Allen applauds Dr. Bard’s research initiative for athletic injuries and the use of non-invasive intervention to get players back on the field.  “I have been a major fan of this PEMF technology for over a decade”, said Mr. Allen. “Someday, I hope to see the thought of drugs, shots and surgery in the past tense. So much about conventional medicine (and sports medicine) need an upgrade… especially when we have so many of these innovations that clearly show proven and sustainable results.  Dr. Bard is definitely on the right side of science by validating through imaging and encouraging non-invasive care, where seeing is believing.”   

Sports Medicine/ Athletes
In Sports, performance and recovery are crucial for athletes, the biggest impact is the downtown of recovery.  The use of microcurrent can now be easily incorporated into daily use especially when devices are handheld, portable, and manageable with the guidance of a professional practitioner.  With the help of microcurrent therapy, one can improve physical health, and advance in their competitive career while recovering and healing.  

In the 2000 NBA Championship, Kobe Bryant’s ankle injury was extensively treated by H-Wave.  Gary Vitti, Head Athletic Trainer, Los Angeles Lakers believed “H-Wave was a big factor in helping Kobe return to action to help clinch the NBA title for the Lakers”.

My Cases
Here I share a recent case with the use of H-Wave and my patient and his recovery. Better yet, I will share his testimonial with you.

H Wave Testimonial Kevin W. (Perth, Western Australia)

I have lived an active sporting life however in my sixties I developed a severe case of posterior tibial tendonitis that resulted in pain on the inner side of my right foot and ankle. As the condition worsened it developed into a problem called adult-acquired flatfoot deformity (AAFD) which was very painful and limited my mobility to the extent that I could not walk long distances or walk without a limp.

I consulted my surgeon who recommended I undertake Subtalar Arthrodesis or joint fusion of my right foot. This surgery involves joining the talus and calcaneum together as an effective way of decreasing pain and improving the function of the foot. A bone graft harvest was taken from my knee to use to assist screws in the talonavicular fusion. Subsequent to the operation I experienced significant pain in my foot that required opiate painkillers for remediation; an MRI scan revealed that only minimal fusion was evident.

I was introduced to the H Wave technology by a friend in Perth Western Australia whose elderly father in London had been using the device successfully to remediate chronic hip pain. Via Dr. Valle’s telehealth guidance, I acquired my own H-Wave and continued medical consultations for the best use of this device. 

After using the H-Wave over the past year, a recent MRI indicated that there had been talonavicular progression and healing without complication. I am nearly pain-free, no longer take strong painkillers and use the H-Wave almost daily to improve my mobility and sleep patterns.

I cannot thank Dr. Valle enough for her professional guidance and assistance with the use of the H-Wave. She has given her time generously being on standby at a day’s notice to take my video call from Perth to discuss treatment options.



Microcurrent therapy can improve cellular function (e.g. increase circulation, tissue repair, and remodeling)

Microcurrent is a non-invasive method of introducing bioelectricity into the body

Microcurrent therapy pre and post-op speeds up recovery time

Applying microcurrent during a post-workout time in endurance athletes can reduce the level of muscle soreness after performing an exhaustive exercise

Combats tissue congestion

Facilitates faster mobility

Drug-free treatment protocol with pain relief

LESLIE VALLE, MD - Founder of Biomed Life/ Santa Barbara Longevity Center
After medical school, Dr. Valle focused on managing chronic disease starting with its links to poor nutrition and then introducing them into the world of energy frequencies.  She explores and includes non-invasive modalities such as: frequency therapies (including biofeedback), PEMF, proper detoxification, nutritional guidance and binaural beats as needed. - visit:



Tsoucalas, G. and Sgantzos, M.  (2016).  Electric current to cure arthritis and cephalaea in ancient Greek medicine.  Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology. 27 (4): 198-203

Katz, J. and Rosenbloon, B.  (2015).  The golden anniversary of Melzack and Wall’s gate control theory of pain:  Celebrating 50 years of pain research and management.  Pain Research and Management. doi: 10.1155/2015/865487

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